I've created a maven project in VScode and added GSON to my pom.xml:
I'm using Java 17 and modules for the first time.
I've added "requires gson;" to my module-info.java but it reports "gson cannot be resolved to a module" The Maven dependencies are showing the gson:2.10.1 library and I see it has been downloaded in the .m2/respository folder.
My module-info.java:
module mypackage {
// needed for JavaFX
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.fxml;
//requires javafx.swing;
requires transitive javafx.graphics;
// needed for HTTP
requires unirest.java;
// needed for JSON
requires gson;
requires java.sql;
// needed for JavaFX
opens mypackage to javafx.fxml;
exports mypackage;
Obviously in the class where I import Gson, GsonBuilder, etc it fails with "The type com.google.gson.Gson is not accessible".
Any ideas? Go gentle I'm not a programmer by trade.
The module name of Gson is com.google.gson
(see also the README or the Javadoc). Therefore you should use:
requires com.google.gson;
But most likely you will also have to open your packages to Gson because it uses reflection to access the fields of your classes:
opens mypackage to com.google.gson;
(Also for the recent Gson versions you don't have to add requires java.sql