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Retry for Spring @HttpExchange

I'm using Spring-boot-3 @GetExchange with a WebClient, sometimes we hit a following error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timeout on blocking read for 5000000000 NANOSECONDS

What's the best practice, in case of using @GetExchange to instruct the WebClient to retry? There isn't enough documentation for this new annotation.


  • You need to use ExchangeFilterFunctions that will help you define your retry logic.

        FooClient fooClient() {
            WebClient webClient =WebClient.builder()
            HttpServiceProxyFactory factory=HttpServiceProxyFactory
                .blockTimeout(Duration.of(HTTP_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT, ChronoUnit.SECONDS)) // Configure how long to wait for a response for an HTTP service method with a synchronous (blocking) method signature.By default this is 5 seconds.
            return factory.createClient(FooClient.class);
        private ExchangeFilterFunction withRetryableRequests() {
            return (request, next) ->
                    .flatMap(clientResponse -> Mono.just(clientResponse)
                            .filter(response ->  clientResponse.statusCode().isError())
                            .flatMap(response -> clientResponse.createException())
        private RetryBackoffSpec retryBackoffSpec() {
            return Retry.backoff(3, Duration.ofSeconds(2))
                    .filter(throwable->throwable instanceof  WebClientResponseException) // here filter on the errors for which you want a retry
                    .doBeforeRetry(retrySignal -> log.warn("Retrying request after following exception : {}",  retrySignal.failure().getLocalizedMessage()))
                    .onRetryExhaustedThrow((retryBackoffSpec, retrySignal)  -> retrySignal.failure());

    [EDIT] For the particular case that you encounter, i.e. the exception

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timeout on blocking read for 5000000000 NANOSECONDS

    the probable cause is that your service is waiting for the answer to the request and after 5 seconds (by default), the service hangs up.

    It would be necessary to increase the read timeout of the http client used. I have edited the code accordingly with a comment on the line concerned.