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search for value by key within dynamic collection

I am looking to extend discussion held here about filtering vertices based on property value from collection. However, in my case the collection is dynamic e.g. generated using store


following works using a static list ['red', 'green']. I am able to filter out vertices with just 'red', 'green' as value in property 'color_name'.

.out().has('color_name', within(['red', 'green']))

but if I try to use collection from previous store it doesnt work. color_list has same members as above. = ['red', 'green']

    .out().has('color_name', within('color_list'))

I must be missing something. My understanding of gremlin traversal is still in infancy.


  • For that to work you need to use a where step. The has step will interpret 'color_list' as a literal string and not the label for something named earlier in the query. The query needs to be along these lines:
