I am running a generalised linear model with a lot of factors and their interactions.
modelFINAL<- glmer(treatment ~ (1|Household_ID)+(1|Case)+(1|Villages)+
data = GLM_data, family = binomial(link='logit'),
I want to visualise the model estimations with a forest plot. However, for some reason plot_model won't show the interaction terms on the y axis, it just says "conditional" for all of them (see picture).
This is my code:
plot_model(modelFINAL, show.values = TRUE,type='est',sort.est = T,transform=NULL,
vline.color = "black",title="TITLE")`
I get the same result when I add auto.labels=T
in plot_model.
tab_model seems to work fine, however it is inconsistently using and X or a : for interaction terms (see picture). Not sure if that is problematic or not.
This problem came up after I updated all my packages and to the new R and R studio versions, so it might be a bug? Or maybe something is wrong with my data? Does someone know what I can do here?
I reached out to the developer. If you update the siPlot and the parameter package it should work now.