//UI. When play is clicked make R.P.S buttons appear
const startGame= () => {
intro = document.querySelector('.intro');
playBtn = document.querySelector(".playBtn");
match = document.querySelector('.match');
playBtn.addEventListener('click', e => {
//When "rock", "paper", or "scissors" is clicked generate random
//option for computer selection.
const playGame= () => {
button = document.querySelectorAll('.buttons button');
choices= ["rock", "paper", "scissors"];
choiceDisplay = document.querySelector('.matchContainer');
playerDisplay = document.querySelector('.playerDisplay');
button.forEach(button=> {
button.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
computerSelection = choices[ Math.floor((Math.random() *choices.length))];
//display computer and player choice on UI
choiceDisplay.textContent = ` Computer: ${computerSelection } ` + " ";
playerDisplay.innerText = " "+ ` Player: ${this}`;
//here is part of my HTML code:`
\<div class="buttons"\>
\<button class="rockBtn"\>Rock\</button\>//here is part of my HTML code:
\<button class="paperBtn"\>Paper\</button\>
\<button class="scissorsBtn"\>Scissors\</button\>
So, I have been trying to figure out why it's diplaying [object HTMLButtonElement] in my UI instead of the button pressed which can be : "rock", "paper" or "scissors" button. I tried  console.log(this) but it shows part of my HTML depending on the button choosen it choses the right one.
is the element the event listener is attached to (i.e. the button
variable). You want to read its textContent