I am using Thymeleaf forms and traditional Spring rest controllers to make API requests to an external platform.
The Thymeleaf form is a simple login form with 2 fields and a submit button. After the user presses submit, the data from the 2 fields needs to be sent as request parameters to a GET mapping method inside the controller.
What's the easiest way to achieve this?
To send data from a Thymeleaf form to a Spring REST controller as request parameters and POST mapping, you can follow these example:
<form th:action="@{/login}" method="post">
<label>Username: <input type="text" name="username"></label><br>
<label>Password: <input type="password" name="password"></label><br>
<button type="submit">Login</button>
and for Controller
public class LoginController {
public String login(@RequestParam String username, @RequestParam String password, Model model) {
if ("admin".equals(username) && "admin".equals(password)) {
System.out.printf("username:%s and password:%s", username, password);
model.addAttribute("username", username);
return "redirect:/success";
model.addAttribute("error", "Invalid username or password");
return "login";
and you can post data with