I have a library containing services annotated with @Stateless which i am not able to modify. For example something like this:
public class MyServiceBean implements MyServiceLocal
Now i want to use those services in my quarkus application, something simple like:
public class MyMain implements QuarkusApplication {
MyServiceLocal myService;
public int run(String... args) {
... but since they have no bean defining annotation, and i am unable to add some, they are not injected.
From my simple understanding, i could use the quarkus AnnotationsTransformer to replace the @Statless annotation with something like @Dependent. But what i don't understand is, how i could activly achieve this, and there are no examples out there that would hint me in the right direction.
What i have is an AnnotationsTransformer which would be able to do excatly this, but how do i apply it to my application? What i gathered would be, that i need a quarkus-extension, with the AnnotationsTransformer in my deployment subproject. But what would be the content of my runtime subproject? I don't need the transformed annotations in the extension but in my quarkus application.
Since my understanding is that i can't use BuildSteps in my quarkus application directly, i'm stuck.
Maybe someone can hint me in the right direction, on how to achieve something like this.
Wow that was surprisingly easy. @Ladicek answer was the final push for understanding the problem.
I now have a simple quarkus extension with empty runtime subproject, and deployment subproject containing a single class with:
AutoAddScopeBuildItem autoAddScope() {
return AutoAddScopeBuildItem.builder().containsAnnotations(DotName.createSimple("javax.ejb.Stateless"))
Deployment has a dependency on runtime, and your project has to have a dependency on runtime. I failed to understand how on earth you could possibly benefit from classes in your deployment project.
deployment -> runtime <- your project
But since in your runtime extension description the deployment project is referenced, it will be loaded up on build time.