I have the following code:
var model = new
Name = "Alexander"
var serializedModel = JsonSerializer.Serialize(model);
var deserializedModel = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<object>(serializedModel);
var name = deserializedModel!.GetType().GetProperty("Name");
The name variable is null as the "Name" property doesn't seem to exist. I do not have the model object when deserializing but just the JSON string.
I have tried using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(serializedModel)
from Newtonsoft and that seems to be working fine. However, I want to use System.Text.Json. Also, I have to use .GetType().GetProperty(...)
as it's done like that in the external library I'm passing the deserialized object to.
After spending some time on the original issue I was able to get it running using Reflection.Emit
and that might actually be the only way to achieve what I originally asked for as you have the properties from the JSON and you have to generate a class at runtime that has said properties.
A more detailed answer can be found here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29428640
If you don't actually need something so complex then you can try to deserialize to ExpandoObject