I am working in an angular app, navigation part which need right click unable and open as new tab tooltip when I try to add routerLink it becomes 404 error. could anyone help me to add right click event for this , my code is as below
<ng-container *ngFor="let gotolink of allLInks">
(click)="onClicktonav(gotolink?.path, gotolink.name)"
[routerLink]="['/gotolink?.path']" routerLinkActive="router-link-active" >
<span class="Header-user-link-text">
{{ gotolink.name }}
above my html
onClicktonav(path, name) {
if (name === 'about') {
this.gtmService.pushGTMTags('aboutpage', {
fromPage: 'rightsidebar',
} else if (title === 'services') {
} else if (title === 'contact') {
} else if (title === 'blog') {
now the links working right click is throwing 404 error I want to make right click also work for this
[routerLink]="['/gotolink?.path']" routerLinkActive="router-link-active"
I added this inside html and was expecting right click work
To enable right-click functionality on your Angular app without causing a 404 error, you need to handle the right-click event separately. You can use a custom right-click event in Angular by using the (contextmenu) event. Here's how you can make it work:
<ng-container *ngFor="let gotolink of allLInks">
<a class="nav" (click)="onClicktonav(gotolink?.path, gotolink.name)" (contextmenu)="onRightClick($event, gotolink?.path)">
<span class="Header-user-link-text">
{{ gotolink.name }}
and ts :
onRightClick(event: MouseEvent, path: string) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default context menu from showing up
// Your custom code for handling the right-click event
window.open(path, '_blank'); // Open the link in a new tab