What query would transpose the following JSON value to multiple rows. Examples with nested JSON objects are sparse.
[{"a":{"b":"val", "c":1}},{"a":{"b":"val", "c":4}}]
Tried combinations of JSONExtract
but having difficulty with nested object
You can use JSONEachRow format to read an array of objects. Nested object ("a" : {...}) can be read into:
:) select * from format(JSONEachRow, 'a String', '[{"a":{"b":"val", "c":1}},{"a":{"b":"val", "c":4}}]')
│ {"b":"val", "c":1} │
│ {"b":"val", "c":4} │
:) select JSONExtractString(a, 'b') from format(JSONEachRow, 'a String', '[{"a":{"b":"val", "c":1}},{"a":{"b":"val", "c":4}}]')
┌─JSONExtractString(a, 'b')─┐
│ val │
│ val │
avogar-dev :) select * from format(JSONEachRow, 'a Tuple(b String, c UInt32)', '[{"a":{"b":"val", "c":1}},{"a":{"b":"val", "c":4}}]')
│ ('val',1) │
│ ('val',4) │
:) select * from format(JSONEachRow, 'a JSON', '[{"a":{"b":"val", "c":1}},{"a":{"b":"val", "c":4}}]') settings allow_experimental_object_type=1
│ {"b":"val","c":1} │
│ {"b":"val","c":4} │
Note: JSON type is still experimental and using it can lean to unexpected bugs.