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Pytorch generate polynomials of a vector

I have a tensor

x = [4,5,6]

I want to transform this tensor x into the following tensor:

[[   4,    5,    6],
 [4**2, 5**2, 6**2],
 [4**3, 5**3, 6**3]]

where each row is a higher degree polynomial than the previous.

I tried searching Pytorch documentation and found the repeat function. This allows me to generate multiple rows of the same values, which I can then use a for-loop or map to modify the values.

I understand that using a for loop can solve this, but I am wondering if there is already an inbuilt function in Pytorch that lets me do the same.


  • The power function torch.pow also accepts tensors as the exponent argument. Start by expanding your input tensor x, column-wise:

    >>> x = x[:,None].expand(-1,3)
    tensor([[4, 4, 4],
            [5, 5, 5],
            [6, 6, 6]])

    Then define your exponents as a range tensor:

    >>> a = torch.arange(1,4)
    tensor([1, 2, 3])

    And compute your power tensor:

    >>> x.pow(a).T
    tensor([[  4,   5,   6],
            [ 16,  25,  36],
            [ 64, 125, 216]])