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Implementation of torch.nn.Conv1d in C++

I'm looking for comprehend explanation or implementation of PyTorch.Conv1d layer in C++.
Let's define conv1d layer as:

KERNEL_SIZE = int(self.INPUT_SIZE / self.BATCH_SIZE) # 8
l = torch.nn.Conv1d(BATCH_SIZE, OUTPUT_SIZE,
                             bias=False, dtype=torch.float64))
# and the input
inp = some_lin_x_160.view(BATCH_SIZE, -1)

Although all sources I found specify the output size like: (inp_channels - kernel_size + 1)/stride I'm not entirely clear how pytorch handles arbitrary(defined by client code) out_channels. This is the very naive implementation of the layer based on Eigen library, and I'm pretty sure it's wrong.

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 160> Input_t;
typedef Eigen::TensorFixedSize<double, Eigen::Sizes<64, 20, 8>> Conv1d_t;
Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 64> conv1d(
    const Input_t& raw_input,
    const Conv1d_t& weights) noexcept {

    auto input = Eigen::Matrix<T, 20, 8>(;
    auto output = Eigen::Matrix<double, 64, 1>();

    for (int out_ch = 0; out_ch < 64; out_ch++) {
        for (int bs = 0; bs < 20; bs++)
            for (int k=0; k<8; k++)
                output(out_ch, 0) += input(bs, k) * weights(out_ch, bs, k);
    return output.transpose();

I'm really appreciate for the any help with the question.


  • Thanks to @Kari for clarifying in the comments. So in this particular case there was a problem with the default StorageOptions in Eigen, which is column major by default. This is fixed version of implementation sketch:

    constexpr static int input_channels = 160;
    constexpr static int output_channels = 64;
    constexpr static int batch_number = 20;
    constexpr static int kernel_size = ...;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, input_channels> Input_t;
    typedef Eigen::TensorFixedSize<double, Eigen::Sizes<output_channels, batch_number, kernel_size>> Conv1d_t;
    auto conv1d(
        const Input_t& raw_input,
        const Conv1d_t& weights) noexcept {
        constexpr auto seq = input_channels/batch_number - kernel_size + 1;
        constexpr auto batch_size = input_channels / batch_number;
        auto input = mapInto<batch_number, batch_size, Eigen::RowMajor>(raw_input);
        auto output = Eigen::Matrix<double, output_channels, 1>();
        for (int out_ch = 0; out_ch < output_channels; out_ch++)
            for (int s = 0; s<seq; s++)
                for (int bs = 0; bs < batch_number; bs++)
                    for (int k=0; k<kernel_size; k++)
                        output(out_ch, s) += input(bs, k + s) * weights(out_ch, bs, k);
        return output.transpose();