I am using the device type as a Router in order to control my home Router through the Google Home app. I wish to control my router in other ways than what is available in the device traits provided by Google.
For example, I want to implement "Hey Google, turn on the power saving mode on my Room Router ".But this command doesn't fall under any of the traits provided by Google i.e NetworkControl, Reboot or softwareUpdate. How can I add the functionality for this command ?
What I have right now is a Home Control project and the node.js code which supports the default traits given by Google.
Do I need to create a new Conversational actions project and program it for all the user commands? Or can I extend my existing project to add the custom command ?
Conversational actions are deprecated and will be shut down on June 13, 2023 date, so it’s not a solution anymore. Currently the Google Home ecosystem does not support these use cases at the moment, but internal teams are always working to improve the ecosystem etc.
When building a device, you can mix and match all available traits on the ecosystem for their router. But you cannot use anything that is not defined.