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Why does Fluent nHibernate not set Id of child object when using SaveOrUpdate?

Why does Fluent nHibernate not set Id of child object when using SaveOrUpdate?

I got the following fluent nHibernate domain and mapping classes (reduced for this question):

public class Error
    public virtual long Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Message { get; set; }
    public virtual Error InnerException { get; set; }


class ErrorMap : ClassMap<Error>
    public ErrorMap()
        Id(x => x.Id);
        Map(x => x.Message);
        HasOne(x => x.InnerException).Cascade.All();


I use this code to save a Error-object to the database:

using (var transaction = m_protokollSession.BeginTransaction())

    Error err = new Error()
        Message = "Outher",
        InnerException = new Error()
            Message = "Inner",




The problem is, that the "InnerException_id"-Column of the "Outher"-Row is null. But it should have the Id of the "Inner" row.


  • Ok. I found it out by myself:

    I had to use:

            References(x => x.InnerException).Cascade.All();

    in the mapping class (ErrorMap)