I'm starting to learn Cypher. I've read the openCypher specification, and I've spun up few different graph databases that use Cypher. At the moment I'm running Memgraph inside Docker.
Here is my query that works just fine
MATCH (p:Park)
CALL tsp.solve(parks) YIELD sources, destinations
WITH RANGE(0, SIZE(sources)-1) AS rows, sources, destinations
UNWIND rows AS unwind
RETURN sources[unwind] AS source, destinations[unwind] AS destination
The part that works, but I think that it shouldn't work is UNWIND rows AS unwind
Under openCypher specification reserved keywords can't be variable names, but that's possible inside Memgraph.
If names of cypher commands/clauses are reserved, I shouldn't be able to use them as variable names. Am I right?
This is indeed a bug. I've checked the Memgraph GitHub issues, and this one is already reported.