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Spreading a table using Tidyr with multiple keys or values

I wish to spread a table. A picture is attached. I am trying to do so with spread using Tidyverse.

My attempt was:

Want = Have |> spread(key = Group, value = Number)

The result was poor, it kept me with 2 rows per time. Replacing the key or trying multiple values didn't work or ended with error. It has to be simple, how can it be done ?

enter image description here


  • library(tidyverse)
    df <- tribble(
        ~Time, ~Group,   ~Name, ~Number,
            1,    "A",  "AKSJ",      12,
            1,    "B",   "ASJ",      13,
            2,    "A", "ISJKS",      12,
            2,    "B",   "EFJ",      45,
            3,    "A",    "IF",      12,
            3,    "B",    "DE",      54
    df |> 
        names_from = Group,
        values_from = c(Name, Number),
        names_vary = "slowest"
    #> # A tibble: 3 × 5
    #>    Time Name_A Number_A Name_B Number_B
    #>   <dbl> <chr>     <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>
    #> 1     1 AKSJ         12 ASJ          13
    #> 2     2 ISJKS        12 EFJ          45
    #> 3     3 IF           12 DE           54

    Created on 2023-03-28 with reprex v2.0.2