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Why does buildReport() assemble an invalid hyperlink in Aspose (Java Words)?

I'm using Aspose (Java) with LINQ reporting syntax to build a report dynamically. This piece of documentation explains how to insert hyperlinks into a document. Which, most generally, looks like this

<<link [uri_or_bookmark_expression] [display_text_expression]>>

The last paragraph states "While building a report..." which I am interpreting as executing buildReport(). We need to execute buildReport anyway for obvious reasons. But the output when we use buildReport() is invalid and therefore not properly converted to a hyperlink in the Word doc.

_engine = new ReportingEngine();
_engine.setOptions(ReportBuildOptions.ALLOW_MISSING_MEMBERS | ReportBuildOptions.REMOVE_EMPTY_PARAGRAPHS);
Document document = new Document;
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(document);

builder.writer("<<link [LinkLabel]>>");
//document.getText(): <<link [LinkLabel]>>
_engine.buildReport(document, dataSource, "NewDoc");
//document.getText() now: HYPERLINK \l "LinkLabel" 

Before build:

<<link LinkLabel>>

After build:

HYPERLINK \l "LinkLabel"

So it appears an attempt is made to convert the LINQ reporting syntax to Word-friendly code. But the Word-friendly results are invalid. When I create a hyperlink in Word manually it generates this code (when I reveal it using Alt+F9): { HYPERLINK \l "LinkLabel" }. So it seems like the squiggly brackets ({ and }) were dropped in buildReport. Why did it drop them? Or are one/some of my assumptions off?


  • LinkLabel in your expression should be surrounded with square brackets. So the expression before building the report should look like this:

    <<link [LinkLabel]>>

    where LinkLabel is the name of variable that contains the url or bookmark name. For example see the following code:

    Document document = new Document();
    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(document);
    builder.write("<<link [LinkLabel]>>");
    ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
    engine.buildReport(document, "", "LinkLabel");

    In this case url is also used as displayed text. If it is required to use different value as displayed text, the second parameter should be used:

    Document document = new Document();
    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(document);
    // Define variables with url and displayed text.
    // In real case the data will come from your data source.
    builder.write("<<var [url=\"\"]>>");
    builder.write("<<var [displayed_text=\"Link To Aspose Web Site\"]>>");
    builder.write("<<link [url] [displayed_text]>>");
    ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
    engine.buildReport(document, new Object());

    EIDT: The curly brackets you have mentioned are not actually a simple curly brackets, they are special nodes - FieldStart, FieldSeparator and FieldEnd. See the following article to learn more about representing field in MS Word and Aspose.Words:

    After producing the document using the following code:

    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder();
    builder.write("<<link [LinkLabel]>>");
    ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
    engine.buildReport(builder.getDocument(), "label", "LinkLabel");

    The field is constructed properly: enter image description here Internally such field is represented like this:

    <w:hyperlink w:anchor="label" w:history="1">
                <w:rStyle w:val="Hyperlink" />

    But the method Document.getText() does not return "curly brackets" for special field nodes, that is why you do not see them in the string output.