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C++ Clang_format_style forcing 'newline' after method return value data type in VSCode

I have a formatting problem in VSCode.

I'm writing a program with many methods in one Class, something like this:

class CPersonalAgenda {
    bool add(const string &name,
             const string &surname,
             const string &email,
             unsigned int salary);
    bool changeName(const string &email,
                    const string &newName,
                    const string &newSurname);
    // here is the problem
    setSalary(const string &name, const string &surname, unsigned int salary);
    // ---
    unsigned int getSalary(const string &name, const string &surname) const;
    // AND SO ON ...

As you can see, one of the methods is being formatted in a way, where there is a newline character added after it.

My formatting settings in C_Cpp: Clang_format_style in VSC settings are: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, AlignTrailingComments: true, FixNamespaceComments: false, AccessModifierOffset: -4, IndentWidth: 4, BinPackArguments: false, BinPackParameters: false, AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false, ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false}

Any ideas why this happends? I can't seem to figure out why it would single out only one method.


  • Look for ColumnLimit in clang-format --dump-config. There are must be something like ColumnLimit: 80.

    Either increase the limit

    ColumnLimit: 110

    Or disable the column limit

    ColumnLimit: 0

    Or re-word the function declaration

        bool setSalary(const std::string &name,
                       const std::string &surname,
                       unsigned int salary);

    Or set

    BinPackParameters: true