I want a single regular expression to capture the following 4 inputs:
Input_1: CountryINDIA
O/P: Country, INDIA
Input_2: CountryIndia
O/P: Country, India
Input_3: CountryINDIAAustralia
O/P: Country, INDIA, Australia
Input_4: CountryIndiaAustralia
O/P: Country, India, Australia
I tried the following regex. It worked for input_3 but failed for input_1:
Input_3: CountryaINDIAAustralia
O/P: [('Country', 'INDIA', 'Australia')] #WORKS!!!
Input_1: CountryINDIA
O/P: ('Country', 'INDI', '') #did not work :(
You can use the following regex, which captures one of the following:
Uppercase letter followed by one or more lowercase letter[A-Z]+(?![a-z])
One or more uppercase letters not followed by a lowercase letter(?:[A-Z][a-z]+|[A-Z]+(?![a-z]))