I have a long array which has shorthand ID's which I want to replace with the full values from a lookup
Here's the original array
const original =
[ [ '18', 'v'],
[ '20', 'aev'],
[ '22', 'v'],
[ '23', 'v'],
[ '25', 'c'],
[ '29', 'vv'],
[ '30', 'c'] ]
The lookup
const lookup = {'v' : 'monkey', 'aev' : 'dog', 'c' : 'cow', 'vv': 'lion'};
The result I want to see
const result =
[ [ '18', 'monkey'],
[ '20', 'dog'],
[ '22', 'monkey'],
[ '23', 'monkey'],
[ '25', 'cow'],
[ '29', 'lion'],
[ '30', 'cow'] ]
I'm not sure if I should use a map function or for loop and how this would look exactly.
I've tried multiple versions of for loops, but I can't get to the result, because I'm not returning the exact match (it picks up v (monkey) instead of the aev value (dog))
const original = [
[ '18', 'v'],
[ '20', 'aev'],
[ '22', 'v'],
[ '23', 'v'],
[ '25', 'c'],
[ '29', 'vv'],
[ '30', 'c'] ]
const lookUp = {'v' : 'monkey', 'aev' : 'dog', 'c' : 'cow', 'vv': 'lion'};
const result = original.map(item => [item[0], lookUp[item[1]]])