I've been tasked with doing an HTTP POST in Excel VBA. I have an HTTP GET that's working fine in the same context.
First, here's the HTTP GET that's working fine in this context, with names generalized:
Set httpRequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
MyApiUrl = "https://MyServer/MyFolder/MySearchAPI?MyParamName1=MyParamValue1&MyParamName2=MyParamValue2"
httpRequest.Open "GET", MyApiUrl, False
httpRequest.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
httpRequest.setRequestHeader "my-api-key", "my api key value"
Here's everything I've been told to get this HTTP POST working:
First, the name of the API is MyUpdateAPI. The URL path to it is the same: https://MyServer/MyFolder/MyUpdateAPI
Second, the parameters (in XLM format?) are as follows, again with names generalized:
"MyParamName1": MyParamValue1,
"MyParamName2": "MyParamValue2",
"MyParamName3": MyParamValue3,
"MyParamName4": "MyParamValue4",
"MyParamParentName": {
"MyParamChildName1": "MyParamChildValue1",
"MyParamChildName2": "MyParamChildValue2"
Some coworkers have a test tool that they paste that XML into and it returns 200, success.
I don't know how to form the XML parent/child params into HTTP parameters.
Using the sample HTTP POST in Excel VBA at https://codingislove.com/http-requests-excel-vba/ as a guide, here's what I've tried:
'build params:
MyParam1 = "MyParamName1=MyParamValue1" '(no ampersand on the first param).
MyParam2 = "&MyParamName2=MyParamValue2"
MyParam3 = "&MyParamName3=MyParamValue3"
MyParam4 = "&MyParamName4=MyParamValue4"
MyParamChild1 = "&MyParamChildName1=MyParamChildName1"
MyParamChild2 = "&MyParamChildName2=MyParamChildName2"
sAllParams = MyParam1 & MyParam2 & MyParam3 & MyParam4 & MyParamChild1 & MyParamChild2
Set httpRequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
MyApiUrl = "https://MyServer/MyFolder/MyUpdateAPI"
httpRequest.Open "POST", MyApiUrl, False
httpRequest.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
httpRequest.setRequestHeader "my-api-key", "my api key value"
httpRequest.send sAllParams
Can anyone shed any light on what I'm doing wrong? How should the XML parent/child params be formatted in the HTTP parameter string?
Dim data
' some test data
data = Array(, 1, "A", 2, "B", "C", "D")
Dim sAllParams As String
sAllParams = "{'MyParamName1':" & data(1) & _
",'MyParamName2': '" & data(2) & _
"','MyParamName3': " & data(3) & _
",'MyParaName4': '" & data(4) & _
"','MyParamParentName': {" & _
"'MyParamChildName1':'" & data(5) & _
"','MyParamChildName2':'" & data(6) & _
sAllParams = Replace(sAllParams, "'", """")
Debug.Print sAllParams
httpRequest.send sAllParams