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How to handle socket open/close/error events using spring boot integration ip

I'm using spring boot and integration libraries in order to use a custom TCP/IP protocol in my application.

Here the configuration:

class TcpServerConfiguration {
    lateinit var port: Integer

    fun inboundGateway(controller: TcpController): IntegrationFlow {
        return IntegrationFlow.from(Tcp.inboundGateway(Tcp.nioServer(port.toInt())
            .soTimeout(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1L, TimeUnit.MINUTES).toInt())

class TcpController {
    fun onPacketReceived(data: ByteArray) {
        val readable = String(data)

I can communicate with my server, but I would like to be able to listen on the events propagated from my TCP server. For example, I would like to be able to send a message to an incoming connection, but I can't catch the events, I get errors like this:

o.s.i.i.tcp.connection.TcpNioConnection  : No publisher available to publish TcpConnectionOpenEvent [source=TcpNioConnection:], [factory=unknown, connectionId=] **OPENED**

Unfortunely such handler is never reached and the error keeps going..

    fun onSocketConnect(event: TcpConnectionOpenEvent) {
        println("welcome ${event.connectionId}")


  • Adding a simple component extending ApplicationEventPublisher solved it. Now all listeners are working as expected

    class TcpController: ApplicationEventPublisher {
        fun onSocketConnect(event: TcpConnectionOpenEvent) {
            println("Opened ${event.connectionId}")
            val con = event.source as TcpNioConnection
            val ip = (con.socketInfo.remoteSocketAddress as InetSocketAddress).address.hostAddress
            println("IP: $ip")
        fun onSocketClose(event: TcpConnectionCloseEvent) {
            println("Closed ${event.connectionId}")
        fun onSocketIdle(event: TcpConnectionExceptionEvent) {
            println("Idle ${event.connectionId}")

    I hope it helps!