I have a specific format string and the result looks like that
X5Y9 Z : true
X1Y20 Z : true
X35Y2 Z : true
X20Y99 Z : true
X01Y05 Z : false
X2Y09 Z : false
X77Y08 Z : false
X05Y9 Z : false
X01Y29 Z : false
X123Y456 Z : false
I try to use "Regex" to check whether a specific string is a correct format or not. Note that, the cases that start with 0 will be excluded, and it only has a value from 1-99, like this
XxxYyy Z
xx only accepts values from 1-99
yy only accepts values from 1-99
The behind code look that
if (Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^X([0]?[1-9]{1,2})Y([0]?[1-9]{1,2}) Z$"))
flag = true;
flag = false;
But it does not seem to work, So, I don't know if have any mistake for this regex. Anything to find, please share it with us. Thank you all.
using [0]?
means that single 0
symbol is allowed in that postion, which contradicts the rule
flag = Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^X([1-9]\d?)Y([1-9]\d?) Z$");