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Apache-Camel SQLEndpoint - configure a custom BeanPropertyRowMapper

I'm using camel version 3.14.5 and I'm wondering if there's a way (I can't see one) where I can use a customBeanPropertyRowMapper when using a SqlEndpoint.

I'm using the sql endpoint like this in a route:


Looking at the code it does look like a BeanPropertyRowMapper is hardcoded in the class


    public ResultSetIterator queryForStreamList(Connection connection, Statement statement, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        if (outputClass == null) {
            RowMapper rowMapper = new ColumnMapRowMapper();
            return new ResultSetIterator(connection, statement, rs, rowMapper);
        } else {
            Class<?> outputClzz = getCamelContext().getClassResolver().resolveClass(outputClass);
            RowMapper rowMapper = new BeanPropertyRowMapper(outputClzz);
            return new ResultSetIterator(connection, statement, rs, rowMapper);

So all I'm after is a way to make use of a Custom RowMapper.

The most obvious way would be to pass it to the SqlEndpoint directly, but there's no such property.

Alternatively I thought about using a custom SqlEndpoint whilst wiring a SqlComponent in Spring, but I see that the SqlComponent uses a SqlEndpoint hardcoded (i.e.: doesn't allow me to inject a custom Endpoint) which in turns uses the hardcoded BeanPropertyRowMapper as per the code sample above.


  • Do you really have a custom org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper ?

    Its not possible to configure currently in camel-sql. You are welcome to create a JIRA and work on a PR to add support for this.