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Disconnecting Sparse SVN Updates From Eclipse

I have previously written an eclipse feature that works with eclipse to

  1. sparsely update directories from svn, and
  2. delete directories from the working copy without deleting them from the repository.

In this way you can pick and chose which subsystems you wish to work with. This feature works with subclipse.

For example, the effect if executed as a command sequence would be:

# check out the libs folder but not its children
svn update --depth empty libs

# check out the libs I am interested in
svn update libs/lib1 libs/lib7

... <work on them> ...

# not interested in lib1 anymore
rm -rf libs/lib1

# update to let libs know that lib1 is no longer checked out
svn update libs

I have recently noticed that subversive is now able to handle updating from svn sparsely. My question is, aside from the command line or writing an eclipse feature as I have, is there a way to disconnect and delete a sparse update from the working copy without deleting from the svn repository through eclipse? Has anyone else dealt with this issue using subclipse, subversive or any other team provider?

I am currently testing with Indigo SR1.



  • You want to run:

    svn up --set-depth=exclude lib1

    In Subclipse you can do Team > Update to Version ... and then choose Exclude in the Depth drop-down and check the box to change the WC to the selected depth.

    I personally prefer using depth=empty because then the folder still exists and it is easy later to change the folder depth back to infinity.