I have until now with success used event.preventDefault() in the following situation where I click on a button and creates a dialogbox in Javascript:
This part creates a button in Javascript:
var vGetBtn = document.createElement("input");
vGetBtn.type = "image";
vGetBtn.id = "btnGet";
vGetBtn.src = "/someimage.png";
vGetBtn.onclick = function (event) {
myMethod(BodyControlName, AVoucherNo);
And this part is the function which has been called from the button
function myMethod(ABodyControlName, AVoucherNo) {
voucherNo = AVoucherNo;
// Create a dialogbox in JavaScript
But now event is deprecated - so what can I do instead with Javascript? Is there maybe something I can do in JQuery instead?
I have googlet a lot without finding the correct answer ...
Regards, Michael
This is what I have tried now - but the code does not reach the alert()... ? So maybe this is the real problem? Now the error is the following: "Uncaught TypeError: AEvent.preventDefault is not a function"
vGetBtn.onclick = function (event) {
myMethod(event, BodyControlName, AVoucherNo);
function myMethod(AEvent, ABodyControlName, AVoucherNo) {
As noted, you should pass the event object to the handler function:
var vGetBtn = document.createElement("input");
vGetBtn.type = "button";
vGetBtn.id = "btnGet";
vGetBtn.value = 'Click me';
vGetBtn.onclick = function (event) {
myMethod(event, 'foo', 'bar');
function myMethod(event, ABodyControlName, AVoucherNo) {
voucherNo = AVoucherNo;
// Create a dialogbox in JavaScript
This works fine, so there must be something in your code that causes the error?