I have several raster files which I am passing a Gaussian filter and then I aggregate them based on a coarse resolution raster called ntl. I created this for
loop but I don't know how to exclude the ntl raster from the loop. I have tried something like this, or this, and other thing but I am guessing I am doing something wrong because I get all sort of error depending on what I am trying. Here is the code:
wd = "path/"
ntl = rast(paste0(wd, "ntl.tif"))
v <- vect(paste0(wd, "lc.shp"))
doStuff <- function(file){
pic = rast(file)
for (i in seq(from = 0.3, to = 3, by = 0.1)) {
gf <- focalMat(pic, i * res(ntl), "Gauss")
r_gf <- focal(pic, w = gf, na.rm = TRUE)
r_gf = exact_resample(r_gf, ntl, fun = 'mean', coverage_area = FALSE)
r_gf <- mask(r_gf, v)
ext(r_gf) <- ext(ntl)
(stringedi = gsub("\\.", "", toString(format(i, nsmall = 2))))
stringedi, ".tif"),
list.files(wd, pattern = "tif$", full.names = TRUE) |>
You can either separate ntl.tif
from your other .tif
files so that list.files()
doesn't see it, or a simple approach is to add an if
statement that checks file
in your function, i.e.
doStuff <- function(file){
if (file != file.path(wd, "ntl.tif")) {
pic = rast(file)
for (i in seq(from = 0.3, to = 3, by = 0.1)) {
gf <- focalMat(pic, i * res(ntl), "Gauss")
r_gf <- focal(pic, w = gf, na.rm = TRUE)
r_gf = exact_resample(r_gf, ntl, fun = 'mean', coverage_area = FALSE)
r_gf <- mask(r_gf, v)
ext(r_gf) <- ext(ntl)
(stringedi = gsub("\\.", "", toString(format(i, nsmall = 2))))
stringedi, ".tif"),
Since you are experiencing an error exactly at the ntl.tif
file, and the above does not work for some reason, I would recommend removing it from the list.files
call, so that ntl.tif
is never walked over. One approach to doing this is:
files <- list.files(wd, pattern = "tif$", full.names = TRUE)
files <- files[-grepl("^ntl\\.tif$", files)]
purrr::walk(files, doStuff)
If that does not work, and you still receive the Error in map(): i In index: 5. Caused by error: ! [focal] not a meanigful window
error, replace grepl
with the index causing issues (in this case 5) and see if that continues.