I'm using Karate club friendship network sample data set to learn Cypher. Here is the description of it:
The model consists of 34 users where some users are friends within a university karate club.
node - A user in the karate club.
- A unique identified for a user (e.g. "1").name
- Name of the user which is equal to the id (e.g. "1").
relationship - Connects a User
to another User
The description says, and my query confirms that users have no names, they have ID and name the same.
I'd like to change this. How can I update the names of all nodes?
Here is one way:
UNWIND [['0','Adam'],['1','Bridget'],['2','Charlie'],...,['33','Zoe']] AS data
MATCH (u:User)
WHERE u.id = data[0]
SET u.name = data[1]