I have this String
var data = "Mon 08:30am - 04:30pm"
and I need it in this form
//expected String remove am pm and convert pm timing into 24 hrs time format
Result = 8:30-16:30
How Can I do it with Regex in Javascript .I tried it using substring but thats not the correct way.
I tried it with this but didnt find this correct way
var amHourFrom = parseInt(details[0].data.substring(4, 2)));
var amMinuteFrom = parseInt(details[0].data.substring(7,2)));
var pmHourFrom = parseInt(details[0].data.substring(14, 2))); //04
var pmMinuteFrom = parseInt(details[0].data.substring(17,2))); //30
{pmHourFrom = hourFrom +12; //04+12 = 16
var Str= amHourFrom + ":" + amMinuteFrom "-" + pmHourFrom+ ":" + pmMinuteFrom;
var result = Str.replace(/^(?:00:)?0?/, '');
I want to do it with some other way
We can try the following regex replacement approach:
var data = "Mon 08:30am - 04:30pm";
var times = data.replace(/(\d{2}):(\d{2})([ap]m)/g, (m, x, y, z) => z === "am" ? x + ":" + y : "" + (12 + parseInt(x)) + ":" + y)
The first chained call to replace()
converts the hours component to 24 hour time by adding 12 hours in the case of pm
times. Then we find all time matches, and join together by dash in the final string output.