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Spring REST Docs: how to documentation multipart form list parameter?

How to documentation form list parameter?


public void post(@ModelAttribute PostRequest request) {
    // ...

public static class PostRequest {
    private MultipartFile file;
    private List<PostRow> rows;

public static class PostRow {
    private Long id;

My test code

                .file(new MockMultipartFile("file", "", "application/zip", "".getBytes()))
                .param("rows[0].id", "1")
                .param("rows[1].id", "2")
                        partWithName("file").description("level zip file")
                        parameterWithName("rows[].id").description("row id")

I tried this code, but it throws following error

Request parameters with the following names were not documented: [rows[1].id, rows[0].id]. Request parameters with the following names were not found in the request: [rows[].id]
org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.SnippetException: Request parameters with the following names were not documented: [rows[1].id, rows[0].id]. Request parameters with the following names were not found in the request: [rows[].id]
    at org.springframework.restdocs.request.RequestParametersSnippet.verificationFailed(
    at org.springframework.restdocs.request.AbstractParametersSnippet.verifyParameterDescriptors(
    at org.springframework.restdocs.request.AbstractParametersSnippet.createModel(
    at org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.TemplatedSnippet.document(
    at org.springframework.restdocs.generate.RestDocumentationGenerator.handle(
    at org.springframework.restdocs.mockmvc.RestDocumentationResultHandler.handle(
    at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc$1.andDo(

I don't want to use "rows[0].id" and "rows[1].id".
What can I do instead?


  • There's nothing that you can do with REST Docs' current built-in capabilities. REST Docs has no understanding of parameter names and knows nothing of your naming scheme. That means that it can't tell that parameters that look like rows[n].id are all the same kind of parameter and should only be documented once.