I am doing a HashMap that uses dates as key and assigns them a pet obeject (pet of the month). Pet holds a bunch of values like name, age, type... (not relevant) and has a method that generates one randomly. It goes soemthing like this:
DateTimeFormatter date_format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern ("dd/MM/yyyy");
LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2023, 1, 1);
HashMap<LocalDate, Pet> pets = new HashMap<>();
//* This next chunk generates a random pet (that has not yet been chosen) and makes it the pet of the month using the date as the key and the pet as the value
for (int i=0; i < 12; i++){
Pet pet_of_the_month = Pet.randompet();
if (!pets.containsValue(pet_of_the_month)){
pets.put(date, pet_of_the_month);
date = date.plusMonths(1);
} else {
//*This loops around the map taking every key and printing both the key (date) and the object (pet)
for (LocalDate month: pets.keySet()) {
System.out.println("Date of" + month.format(date.format) + ":" + pets.get(month).toString());
The issue I have is that this for some reason ALWAYS prints the month 4 first and then the rest in order (4,1,2,3,5,6...); is there a reason for why it is doing that?;am I doing something wrong/missing something or is just some random interaction that I have to assume?
Maps are unordered due to the hashCode
used to determine in which "bucket" the entry is to be placed. If you want to preserve the insertion order, you can use a LinkedHashMap in place of HashMap
. If you want to ensure the keys (here LocalDate
) are sorted (LocalDate
implements Comparable) you can use a TreeMap