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Excel Users only able to Fill Cell from Select Colors

I'm trying to make it so that select cells within a group of data, can only be filled with 1 of 4 pre-selected colors. Kind of like a drop-down menu list but for fill colors instead.

We have a team of about 9 working within an excel file at the same time. Time is of the essence, and some of our communication and input to each other is with the color of fill for select data.

Since there are many colors available, we can get a strange mix of shades, hindering our production.

Is there a way to limit the fill colors to just a pre-selected group?

I've only researched Data Validation drop-down menus as that is the only thing my limited knowledge could think of.

With the ride range of data variables and form, have not found a way where Conditional Formatting would be possible. With our process, the data can remain the same but we communicate with colors on whether or not the data is valid and ready to go. The user needs to be able to change the cell color arbituarily.

Unfortunately I haven't come close to what I've been looking for.


  • Put this in the sheet module:

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
        Dim StrColorbox01Name As String
        Dim StrColorbox02Name As String
        Dim StrColorbox03Name As String
        Dim StrColorbox04Name As String
        Dim StrActivatorName As String
        Dim ObjColorbox01 As Object
        Dim ObjColorbox02 As Object
        Dim ObjColorbox03 As Object
        Dim ObjColorbox04 As Object
        Dim ObjActivator As Object
        Dim DblSize As Double
        StrColorbox01Name = "ObjCB01"
        StrColorbox02Name = "ObjCB02"
        StrColorbox03Name = "ObjCB03"
        StrColorbox04Name = "ObjCB04"
        StrActivatorName = "ObjActivator"
        DblSize = 15
        On Error Resume Next
        Set ObjColorbox01 = Me.Shapes(StrColorbox01Name)
        Set ObjColorbox02 = Me.Shapes(StrColorbox02Name)
        Set ObjColorbox03 = Me.Shapes(StrColorbox03Name)
        Set ObjColorbox04 = Me.Shapes(StrColorbox04Name)
        Set ObjActivator = Me.Shapes(StrActivatorName)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If ObjColorbox01 Is Nothing Or ObjColorbox02 Is Nothing Or ObjColorbox03 Is Nothing Or ObjColorbox04 Is Nothing Or ObjActivator Is Nothing Then
            On Error Resume Next
            On Error GoTo 0
            With Me.Shapes
                Set ObjColorbox01 = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 0, 0, DblSize, DblSize)
                Set ObjColorbox02 = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, ObjColorbox01.Left + ObjColorbox01.Width, ObjColorbox01.Top, ObjColorbox01.Width, ObjColorbox01.Height)
                Set ObjColorbox03 = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, ObjColorbox02.Left + ObjColorbox02.Width, ObjColorbox02.Top, ObjColorbox02.Width, ObjColorbox02.Height)
                Set ObjColorbox04 = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, ObjColorbox03.Left + ObjColorbox03.Width, ObjColorbox03.Top, ObjColorbox03.Width, ObjColorbox03.Height)
                Set ObjActivator = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, ObjColorbox04.Left + ObjColorbox04.Width, ObjColorbox04.Top, ObjColorbox04.Width, ObjColorbox04.Height)
                ObjColorbox01.Name = StrColorbox01Name
                ObjColorbox02.Name = StrColorbox02Name
                ObjColorbox03.Name = StrColorbox03Name
                ObjColorbox04.Name = StrColorbox04Name
                ObjActivator.Name = StrActivatorName
                ObjColorbox01.DrawingObject.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
                ObjColorbox02.DrawingObject.Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
                ObjColorbox03.DrawingObject.Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
                ObjColorbox04.DrawingObject.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
                ObjActivator.DrawingObject.Interior.Color = RGB(127, 127, 127)
                ObjColorbox01.OnAction = "SubColor01"
                ObjColorbox02.OnAction = "SubColor02"
                ObjColorbox03.OnAction = "SubColor03"
                ObjColorbox04.OnAction = "SubColor04"
                ObjActivator.OnAction = "SubColorPaletteOnOff"
                ObjActivator.OLEFormat.Object.Caption = "ON"
                With ObjActivator.OLEFormat.Object.ShapeRange.TextFrame2
                    .VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
                    .HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
                    .MarginLeft = 0
                    .MarginRight = 0
                    .MarginTop = 0
                    .MarginBottom = 0
                    .WordWrap = msoFalse
                    .AutoSize = msoAutoSizeShapeToFitText
                End With
            End With
            Set ObjColorbox02 = Me.Shapes(StrColorbox02Name)
            Set ObjColorbox03 = Me.Shapes(StrColorbox03Name)
            Set ObjColorbox04 = Me.Shapes(StrColorbox04Name)
            ObjColorbox01.Height = DblSize
            ObjColorbox01.Width = DblSize
            ObjColorbox02.Height = ObjColorbox01.Height
            ObjColorbox02.Width = ObjColorbox01.Width
            ObjColorbox03.Height = ObjColorbox01.Height
            ObjColorbox03.Width = ObjColorbox01.Width
            ObjColorbox04.Height = ObjColorbox01.Height
            ObjColorbox04.Width = ObjColorbox01.Width
        End If
        If ObjActivator.OLEFormat.Object.Caption = "ON" Then
            ObjColorbox01.Top = Target.Cells(1, 1).Top + Target.Cells(1, 1).Height
            ObjColorbox01.Left = Target.Cells(1, 1).Left + Target.Cells(1, 1).Width
            ObjColorbox02.Top = ObjColorbox01.Top
            ObjColorbox02.Left = ObjColorbox01.Left + ObjColorbox01.Width
            ObjColorbox03.Top = ObjColorbox02.Top
            ObjColorbox03.Left = ObjColorbox02.Left + ObjColorbox02.Width
            ObjColorbox04.Top = ObjColorbox03.Top
            ObjColorbox04.Left = ObjColorbox03.Left + ObjColorbox03.Width
            ObjActivator.Top = ObjColorbox04.Top
            ObjActivator.Left = ObjColorbox04.Left + ObjColorbox04.Width
        End If
    End Sub

    Put this in a public module:

    Sub SubColor01()
        If ActiveSheet.Shapes("ObjActivator").OLEFormat.Object.Caption = "ON" Then
            Selection.Interior.Color = ActiveSheet.Shapes("ObjCB01").DrawingObject.Interior.Color
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub SubColor02()
        If ActiveSheet.Shapes("ObjActivator").OLEFormat.Object.Caption = "ON" Then
            Selection.Interior.Color = ActiveSheet.Shapes("ObjCB02").DrawingObject.Interior.Color
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub SubColor03()
        If ActiveSheet.Shapes("ObjActivator").OLEFormat.Object.Caption = "ON" Then
            Selection.Interior.Color = ActiveSheet.Shapes("ObjCB03").DrawingObject.Interior.Color
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub SubColor04()
        If ActiveSheet.Shapes("ObjActivator").OLEFormat.Object.Caption = "ON" Then
            Selection.Interior.Color = ActiveSheet.Shapes("ObjCB04").DrawingObject.Interior.Color
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub SubColorPaletteOnOff()
        Dim StrColorbox01Name As String
        Dim StrColorbox02Name As String
        Dim StrColorbox03Name As String
        Dim StrColorbox04Name As String
        Dim StrActivatorName As String
        Dim ObjColorbox01 As Object
        Dim ObjColorbox02 As Object
        Dim ObjColorbox03 As Object
        Dim ObjColorbox04 As Object
        Dim ObjActivator As Object
        Dim RngRestingRange As Range
        StrColorbox01Name = "ObjCB01"
        StrColorbox02Name = "ObjCB02"
        StrColorbox03Name = "ObjCB03"
        StrColorbox04Name = "ObjCB04"
        With ActiveSheet
            Set ObjActivator = .Shapes("ObjActivator")
            Set ObjColorbox01 = .Shapes(StrColorbox01Name)
            Set ObjColorbox02 = .Shapes(StrColorbox02Name)
            Set ObjColorbox03 = .Shapes(StrColorbox03Name)
            Set ObjColorbox04 = .Shapes(StrColorbox04Name)
            Set RngRestingRange = .Range("A1")
        End With
        With ObjActivator.OLEFormat.Object
            Select Case .Caption
                Case Is = "ON"
                    .Caption = "OFF"
                    ObjColorbox01.Top = RngRestingRange.Cells(1, 1).Top
                    ObjColorbox01.Left = RngRestingRange.Cells(1, 1).Left
                    ObjColorbox02.Top = ObjColorbox01.Top
                    ObjColorbox02.Left = ObjColorbox01.Left + ObjColorbox01.Width
                    ObjColorbox03.Top = ObjColorbox02.Top
                    ObjColorbox03.Left = ObjColorbox02.Left + ObjColorbox02.Width
                    ObjColorbox04.Top = ObjColorbox03.Top
                    ObjColorbox04.Left = ObjColorbox03.Left + ObjColorbox03.Width
                    ObjActivator.Top = ObjColorbox04.Top
                    ObjActivator.Left = ObjColorbox04.Left + ObjColorbox04.Width
                Case Is = "OFF"
                    .Caption = "ON"
                Case Else
                    .Caption = "OFF"
            End Select
        End With
    End Sub

    Main advantage: you can select multiple ranges as you like and change their fillings just with the clicks you need to select the wanted ranges plus one for the color.