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Remove all .axd files from a webpage in ASP.NET 4.0

I have added Ajax ToolKit in my website, but due to heavy load on the page we want to remove the Ajax Tool Kit.

To remove I deleted the file from the bin folder, Removed the control tab from Tools.

Now when I run the website, I see certain Webresource.axd? and Scriptresource.axd? script files in the project.

One file is too heavy around 55 KBs which affects the load time of the page.

Note: I am using Script Manager and update panel on the page, but all reference to Ajax ToolKit is removed. my project is a website in .NET 2010 using 4.0 framework.


  • To get rid of such unnecessary .axd files use Ajax.dll from Microsoft and wirte your own code for it. example for using Ajax is as follows.

    Suppose i am using Multiple Delete function on button click and i dont want to use Update panel due to page load try this.

    using Ajax;

    Register your control on Page Load event page_Load



     public int deleteRecords(int ID,string spName)
       // delete code block
    > In your **markup source on client click of button** call the javascript.
    function callbackmethod(response) {
            if (response.value > 0) {
                alert("Record deleted Successfully");
            else {
                alert("Can Not Delete Record,It is being Used");
    function DeleteMultipleRecords() {
        //delete block to get the param values 
      var str = Admin_UserControls_Delete.deleteRecords(param1,param2,callbackmethod);