I'm a C++ beginner. I've been learning C++ for a week now.
I was messing around with the <filesystem>
library, trying to learn new things. I tried to make a function to receive a path to a .txt
file and reads the file contents to print it to the console. But, I ran into this problem which is in the title:
using namespace std;
using namespace std::filesystem;
void read_file(char File[260]);
int main(){
for (auto entry: recursive_directory_iterator("C:\\Users\\malar\\AppData\\Local")){
if (entry.path().extension() == ".txt"){
read_file(entry.path()); // no suitable conversion function from "const std::filesystem::path" to "char *" exists
catch (filesystem_error){
return 0;
void read_file(char File[260]){
FILE *rf = fopen(File, "r"); // rf = read file
char Buffer[260];
if (rf == NULL){
cout << "File: " << File << " Cannot be opened\n";
while (fread(Buffer, 260, 1, rf) != NULL){
cout << Buffer << endl;
cout << "File Closed\n";
I've tried to fix the problem by doing type conversion, but perhaps I did it with a wrong type?
Make path::string()
first or path::u8string()
for UTF-8 to get the path, and then you can use the string::c_str()