I have to include different dependencies according to the platform, for instance windows and linux using gradle/maven.
How can I make sure I only use the dependency needed for windows while building windows jar and linux while creating linux jar.
For Example,
, On Windows, icon file is ico
, On Linux, icon file is png
and Add profile
<name>Windows 10</name>
Run mvn help:system | grep "os\."
on Linux
get result:
os.name=Linux os.version=5.13.0-40-generic os.arch=amd64
Run mvn help:system | findstr "os\."
on Windows
get result:
os.name=Windows 10 os.version=10.0 os.arch=amd64
Mapping os name and os arch into profile
-> activation
-> os
-> name
and os
-> arch
, then config profile
-> properties
Set the corresponding value into swt.groupId
When you run mvn clean package
, maven will auto select profile activation by mapping to os.name and os.arch value.