I've got a player with a sword and the two points on a target are from OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit. Then I want to create a slicing plane that is parallel to player.transform.forward - it can be vertical, horizontal or on an angle (parallel to the player forward - which is always horizontal).
To define the plane I need its normal/up vector and one of the two points and it is infinite. So I'd like code for the plane's normal based on position1, position2, and player.transform.forward.
Based on LoïcLeGrosFrère I did this: (EzySlice also has a Plane class)
UnityEngine.Plane plane = new UnityEngine.Plane(sliceStartPos, sliceEndPos, playerPos);
SlicedHull hull = objectToSlice.Slice(sliceStartPos, plane.normal, crossMat);
An alternative:
public Vector3 GetPlaneNormal(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
return Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(b - a, c - a));
Vector3 planeNormal = GetPlaneNormal(sliceStartPos, sliceEndPos, playerPos);
SlicedHull hull = objectToSlice.Slice(sliceStartPos, planeNormal, crossMat);