I have a gRPC proto file with a message schema like this:
message FilterRequestDto {
string AccountId = 1;
repeated ComponentType ComponentTypes = 2;
repeated string Inverters = 3;
where "ComponentType" is an gRPC enum like this:
enum ComponentType {
In my .net application, I would like to map an incoming gRPC request of type message FilterRequestDto to a record of type FilterDto, which looks like this:
public record FilterDto
public string AccountId { get; init; }
public List<string>? Inverters { get; init; }
public List<ComponentType>? ComponentTypes { get; init; }
where "ComponentType" is an c# enum like this:
public enum ComponentType
For the Inverters i managed the parsing, but unfortunately i can't figure out the conversion for the ComponentTypes.
My mapping function looks like this:
public static FilterDto ToFilterDto(this FilterRequest request)
return new FilterDto
AccountId = request.AccountId,
Inverters = Enumerable.ToList<string>(request.Inverters).ToList(),
ComponentTypes = ????
Thanks in advance.
It should work with just:
public static FilterDto ToFilterDto(this FilterRequestDto request)
=> new FilterDto {
AccountId = request.AccountId,
Inverters = request.Inverters.ToList(),
ComponentTypes = request.ComponentTypes.Select(
static comp => (ComponentType)comp).ToList(),
The static comp => (ComponentType)comp
is a no-op conversion that effectively just changes the declared enum type, since the values match.
As an aside: if you wanted to skip this step, your existing model should also be wire-compatible with the code-first gRPC approach using protobuf-net, just by adding some decoration:
public record FilterDto
public string AccountId { get; init; }
public List<string>? Inverters { get; init; }
public List<ComponentType>? ComponentTypes { get; init; }
you'd have to use a code-first service, too; more info - but something like:
public interface ISomeService {
async Task<SomeResponseType> SomeMethodAsync(FilterDto request,
CallContext context = default);
class MyService : ISomeService {...your server implementation...}