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API JSON response: get key value

Below is the response message (JSON) from an API endpoint. I need to parse the JSON response, and I need to retrieve the RequestID key.


Below is my code to retrieve the RequestID[Inside the CaseResult]

JSONObject actualJson = new JSONObject(response.getResponseText())
def requestID = actualJson.get('Data[0].CaseData.CaseResult.RequestID')

When I executed it, I got the below error message.

org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["Data[0].CaseData.CaseResult.RequestID"] not found.

Could any one provide a solution for this?


  • You cannot query values using that kind of string:


    You will get null as result

    enter image description here

    Explicit access to the values

    Using JsonSlurper you can parse any valid string json to a groovy object.

    def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper();
    def object = jsonSlurper.parse("{....}")
    println object
    println object.Status
    println object["Status"]
    println object["Data"][0]["CaseResult"]["RequestId"]

    enter image description here


    This is the only library capable to use string queries to get values from the json:

    String json = "...";
    String jsonPathExpression = "$.Data[0].CaseData.CaseResult.RequestID"; 
    JsonNode jsonNode = JsonPath.parse(json).read(jsonPathExpression, JsonNode.class);

    enter image description here
