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How to summon a `given` member?

Suppose that I have some typeclass

trait FooBar[X]

and an instance of FooBar[Int]:

given intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar {}

Now, suppose that I have an interface Intf that has some member type A and also guarantees that there is a given FooBar[A]:

trait Intf:
  type A
  given aIsFoobar: FooBar[A]

Now, I have the type Int, and I have a FooBar[Int], but how do I actually implement this interface for Int?

If I try

class IntImpl() extends Intf:
  type A = Int
  given aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = summon

then I get "Infinite loop in function body IntImpl.aIsFoobar" errors, because the summon seems to see the aIsFoobar instead of intIsFooBar.

If I try to summon the instance in some auxiliary helper variable, like so:

class IntImpl() extends Intf:
  type A = Int
  private final val _aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = summon
  given aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = _aIsFoobar

then I run into initialization order issues: aIsFoobar turns out to be null, and my application crashes with NullPointerExceptions, which is kinda ridiculous.

I've also tried export, but none of this works:

  export FooBar[Int] as aIsFoobar // doesn't compile, invalid syntax

How do I make "the canonical" FooBar[Int] available as the aIsFoobar given member?

Full code:

trait FooBar[X]

given intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar {}

trait Intf:
  type A
  given aIsFoobar: FooBar[A]

object IntImpl extends Intf:
  type A = Int
  given aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = summon


  • In Scala 2 you can use the trick with hiding implicit by name

    // Scala 2
    trait FooBar[X] {
      def value: String
    object FooBar {
      implicit val intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int] {
        override val value: String = "a"
    trait Intf {
      type A
      implicit def aIsFoobar: FooBar[A]
    object IntImpl extends Intf {
      override type A = Int
      override implicit val aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = {
        lazy val aIsFoobar = ???
    println(IntImpl.aIsFoobar.value) // a

    NullPointerException on implicit resolution

    In Scala 3, what's the canonical method for pattern match that uses an erased type?

    Is there a workaround for this format parameter in Scala?

    Extending an object with a trait which needs implicit member

    Constructing an overridable implicit (answer)

    In Scala 3 this trick doesn't work any more.

    In Scala 3 you can try to make the method inline and use scala.compiletime.summonInline rather than the ordinary summon

    // Scala 3
    trait FooBar[X]:
      def value: String
    object FooBar:
      given intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int]:
        override val value: String = "a"
    trait Intf:
      type A
      /*inline*/ given aIsFoobar: FooBar[A]
    object IntImpl extends Intf:
      override type A = Int
      override inline given aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = summonInline[FooBar[A]]
    println(IntImpl.aIsFoobar.value) // a

    Overriding inline methods:

    Please notice that with inlining we modified the method semantics. The implicit is resolved at the call site, not at the definition site

    // Scala 2
    trait FooBar[X] {
      def value: String
    object FooBar {
      implicit val intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int] {
        override val value: String = "a"
    trait Intf {
      type A
      implicit def aIsFoobar: FooBar[A]
    object IntImpl extends Intf {
      override type A = Int
      override implicit val aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = {
        lazy val aIsFoobar = ???
      implicit val anotherIntFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int] {
        override val value: String = "b"
      println(IntImpl.aIsFoobar.value) // a
    // Scala 3
    trait FooBar[X]:
      def value: String
    object FooBar:
      given intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int]:
        override val value: String = "a"
    trait Intf:
      type A
      /*inline*/ given aIsFoobar: FooBar[A]
    object IntImpl extends Intf:
      override type A = Int
      override inline given aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = summonInline[FooBar[A]]
      given anotherIntFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int]:
        override val value: String = "b"
      println(IntImpl.aIsFoobar.value) // b

    About the difference implicitly vs. implicit:

    When doing implicit resolution with type parameters, why does val placement matter?

    Why the Scala compiler can provide implicit outside of object, but cannot inside? (answer)

    Setting abstract type based on typeclass

    SYB `cast` function in Scala

    In scala 2, can macro or any language feature be used to rewrite the abstract type reification mechanism in all subclasses? How about scala 3?

    In Scala 2.13, why is it possible to summon unqualified TypeTag for abstract type?

    In Scala 2 inlining can be achieved with Scala 2 macros.

    Implicit Json Formatter for value classes in Scala

    In it's written

    An abstract implicit val or def in Scala 2 can be expressed in Scala 3 using a regular abstract definition and an alias given. For instance, Scala 2's

    implicit def symDecorator: SymDecorator

    can be expressed in Scala 3 as

    def symDecorator: SymDecorator
    given SymDecorator = symDecorator

    You can ask how to override implicit in Scala 3 not changing the definition-site semantics. Probably, just resolving the implicit manually rather than using summon

    // Scala 3
    trait FooBar[X]:
      def value: String
    object FooBar:
      given intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int]:
        override val value: String = "a"
    trait Intf:
      type A
      def aIsFoobar: FooBar[A]
      given FooBar[A] = aIsFoobar
    object IntImpl extends Intf:
      override type A = Int
      override val aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = FooBar.intIsFooBar
      given anotherIntFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int]:
        override val value: String = "b"
      println(IntImpl.aIsFoobar.value) // a

    More general but less conventional solution would be with Scala 3 macros + compiler internals

    // Scala 3.2.1
    import scala.quoted.{Quotes, Type, Expr, quotes}
    import{Implicits => dottyImplicits}
    import{Type => DottyType}
    transparent inline def summonSecondBest[A]: A = ${summonSecondBestImpl[A]}
    def summonSecondBestImpl[A: Type](using Quotes): Expr[A] =
      import quotes.reflect.*
      given c: =
      val typer = c.typer
      val search = new typer.ImplicitSearch(
      val wildProtoMethod = classOf[typer.ImplicitSearch].getDeclaredField("wildProto")
      val wildProto = wildProtoMethod.get(search).asInstanceOf[DottyType]
      def eligible(contextual: Boolean): List[dottyImplicits.Candidate] =
        if contextual then
          if c.gadt.isNarrowing then
          else c.implicits.eligible(wildProto)
        else search.implicitScope(wildProto).eligible
      def implicits(contextual: Boolean): List[dottyImplicits.SearchResult] =
        eligible(contextual).map(search.tryImplicit(_, contextual))
      val contextualImplicits = implicits(true)
      val nonContextualImplicits = implicits(false)
      val contextualSymbols =
      val filteredNonContextual = nonContextualImplicits.filterNot(sr => contextualSymbols.contains(sr.tree.symbol))
      val successes = (contextualImplicits ++ filteredNonContextual).collect {
        case success: dottyImplicits.SearchSuccess => success.tree.asInstanceOf[ImplicitSearchSuccess].tree
    // Scala 3
    trait FooBar[X]:
      def value: String
    object FooBar:
      given intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int]:
        override val value: String = "a"
    trait Intf:
      type A
      def aIsFoobar: FooBar[A]
      given FooBar[A] = aIsFoobar
    object IntImpl extends Intf:
      override type A = Int
      override val aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = summonSecondBest[FooBar[A]]
      given anotherIntFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int]:
        override val value: String = "b"
      println(IntImpl.aIsFoobar.value) // a

    Finding the second matching implicit

    Or you can try to make A a type parameter rather than type member

    trait FooBar[X]
    object FooBar:
      given FooBar[Int] with {}
    trait Intf[A: FooBar]
    object IntImpl extends Intf[Int]

    1. Nesting is now taken into account for selecting an implicit. Consider for instance the following scenario:

      def f(implicit i: C) =
        def g(implicit j: C) =

    This will now resolve the implicitly call to j, because j is nested more deeply than i. Previously, this would have resulted in an ambiguity error. The previous possibility of an implicit search failure due to shadowing (where an implicit is hidden by a nested definition) no longer applies.

    @AndreyTyukin's solution:

    trait FooBar[X]:
      def value: String
    object FooBar:
      given intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int]:
        override val value: String = "a"
    trait Intf:
      type A
      def aIsFoobar: FooBar[A]
      object implicits:
        given FooBar[A] = aIsFoobar
    object IntImpl extends Intf:
      override type A = Int
      override def aIsFoobar: FooBar[A] = summon[FooBar[Int]]
      given anotherIntFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar[Int]:
        override val value: String = "b"
      println(IntImpl.aIsFoobar.value) // a
      import IntImpl.implicits.given
      println(summon[FooBar[Int]].value) // a