I do not always have to ask a question on stackoverflow but I simply cannot find any proper solution to my problem. I am trying to read a .csv file on R and everytime it opens, all the data appears in one column. I tried everything but I cannot separate the data. I would be happy about some help <3 This is the link of the data I am trying to get: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?end=2019&start=1990
I already tried to separate all the columns in Excel and tried several separate commands but I feel too stupid for this solution.
I suggest you download the data programmatically via the World Bank API instead. You will need to install the package WDI for that.
gdp <- WDI::WDI(
indicator = "NY.GDP.PCAP.CD",
start = 1990,
end = 2019
#> country iso2c iso3c year NY.GDP.PCAP.CD
#> 1 Africa Eastern and Southern ZH AFE 2019 1512.271
#> 2 Africa Eastern and Southern ZH AFE 2018 1564.734
#> 3 Africa Eastern and Southern ZH AFE 2017 1628.587
#> 4 Africa Eastern and Southern ZH AFE 2016 1443.692
#> 5 Africa Eastern and Southern ZH AFE 2015 1538.552
#> 6 Africa Eastern and Southern ZH AFE 2014 1719.184
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