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Excel columns, how to organize two columns based on a 3rd column which has their email address?

I am new to Excel. I've been searching for hours for an answer to this, but I've yet to find a tutorial to follow. I think what I want is fairly simple. I have 1 worksheet that looks like this:

employee_workday_id    email
f349822220Z32          [email protected]
f99990zewFgvX          [email protected]
f44320009SS21          [email protected]

And I have a 2nd worksheet that looks like this:

employee_netsuite_id    email
558422                  [email protected]
558213                  [email protected]
552199                  [email protected]

I don't need the email in the final worksheet, but I'd like to use the email to match the two employee ids. In other words, I need to get this:

employee_workday_id    employee_netsuite_id
f349822220Z32          558422                  
f99990zewFgvX          558213                  
f44320009SS21          552199                  

Is there an easy way to do this in Excel?


  • So, many q&a on here doing this, but here is another:

    enter image description here

    To save you typing, here is one example:


    As the other is so similar, I won't repeat it.