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returnTo behavior error. Url gets removed right before the post request

I am using express session and I have a middleware that sets the req.session.returnTo to the orginalUrl.
  passport.authenticate('local', {
    failureFlash: true,
    failureRedirect: '/login',
  (req, res) => {
    const redirectUrl = req.session.returnTo || '/home';
    delete req.session.returnTo;

This is my code that redirects to the originalUrl if there is. I logged the whole session and the url is there under returnTo but gets removed right before this post request.

I tried removing the delete req.session.returnTo and it still doesnt work. It is there when the app makes a get request to /login but gets removed right before /post and then it always redirects to /home.


  • Add keepSessionInfo: true to passport.authenticate.
      passport.authenticate('local', {
        failureFlash: true,
        failureRedirect: '/login',
        keepSessionInfo: true
      (req, res) => {
        const redirectUrl = req.session.returnTo || '/home';
        delete req.session.returnTo;