I'm trying to get disp
predictions for each observation in mtcars
with emmeans
. I can get average disp
predictions with:
mod <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp, data = mtcars)
emm <- emmeans(mod, "disp", at=list(disp=c(130,135,140)))
However, is it possible to get the fitted values for every single case in the dataset, similar to what I get with predict(mod)
EDIT: Ben Bolker suggested this:
nd <- expand.grid(hp = unique(mtcars$hp), disp = 130)
mean(predict(mod, newdata = nd))
However, this doesn't match the average I get in emmeans:
emmeans(mod, "disp", at=list(disp=130))
disp emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
130 23.1 0.928 29 21.2 25
How about
nd <- expand.grid(hp = unique(mtcars$hp), disp = c(130,135,140))
predict(mod, newdata = nd)
(or skip the unique()
if you really want predictions for every observation even if they have non-unique hp
If you want a predicted frame whose mean matches emmeans
, you do want to skip the unique()
. If you only want to consider a single value of disp
, you don't need the expand.grid
nd <- data.frame(hp = mtcars$hp, disp = 130)
mean(predict(mod, newdata = nd))
## [1] 23.14716
Comparing with emmeans
(convert to data frame so we can see full resolution)
as.data.frame(emmeans(mod, "disp", at=list(disp=130)))
disp emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
130 23.14716 0.9283063 29 21.24856 25.04576