I've was able to scrape the top reddit posts from a specific subreddit after a certain date. I collected the titles, post text, and other attributes about these posts into a dataframe.
However, I also want to collect attributes about the authors of each post. I started with attempting to collect the comment karma for the other of each post, but I've run into errors.
This was the line I added in to attempt to get the authors of each posts' comment karma
# Author Karama
posts_dict["Author Karma"].append(reddit_read_only.redditor(post.author)).comment_karma
This is the resulting error...
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[11], line 33
30 posts_dict["Author"].append(post.author)
32 # Author Karama
---> 33 posts_dict["Author Karma"].append(reddit_read_only.redditor(post.author)).comment_karma
35 # Unique ID of each post
36 posts_dict["ID"].append(post.id)
File ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\praw\util\deprecate_args.py:43, in _deprecate_args.<locals>.wrapper.<locals>.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
36 arg_string = _generate_arg_string(_old_args[: len(args)])
37 warn(
38 f"Positional arguments for {func.__qualname__!r} will no longer be"
39 f" supported in PRAW 8.\nCall this function with {arg_string}.",
40 DeprecationWarning,
41 stacklevel=2,
42 )
---> 43 return func(**dict(zip(_old_args, args)), **kwargs)
File ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\praw\reddit.py:908, in Reddit.redditor(self, name, fullname)
896 @_deprecate_args("name", "fullname")
897 def redditor(
898 self, name: Optional[str] = None, *, fullname: Optional[str] = None
899 ) -> "praw.models.Redditor":
900 """Return a lazy instance of :class:`.Redditor`.
902 :param name: The name of the redditor.
907 """
--> 908 return models.Redditor(self, name=name, fullname=fullname)
File ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\praw\models\reddit\redditor.py:156, in Redditor.__init__(self, reddit, name, fullname, _data)
146 """Initialize a :class:`.Redditor` instance.
148 :param reddit: An instance of :class:`.Reddit`.
154 """
155 if (name, fullname, _data).count(None) != 2:
--> 156 raise TypeError(
157 "Exactly one of 'name', 'fullname', or '_data' must be provided."
158 )
159 if _data:
160 assert (
161 isinstance(_data, dict) and "name" in _data
162 ), "Please file a bug with PRAW."
TypeError: Exactly one of 'name', 'fullname', or '_data' must be provided.
Here's a look at the full code that was working before adding in the previously mentioned line.
import praw
import pandas as pd
import datetime
subreddit = reddit_read_only.subreddit("SuicideWatch")
# Scraping the top posts of all time
posts = subreddit.top(time_filter = "all", limit = None)
posts_dict = {"Title": [], "Post Text": [], "Author": [],
"Author Karma": [],"ID": [], "Score": [],
"Total Comments": [],"Created On":[], "Post URL": [],
"Original Content": [], "Edited": [], "Saved": []
start_date = '01-01-20 00:00:00'
start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S').timestamp()
for post in posts:
# Date of each posts' creation
date = post.created_utc
if date > start_date:
# Title of each post
# Text inside a post
posts_dict["Post Text"].append(post.selftext)
# Author of the post
# Author Karama
posts_dict["Author Karma"].append(reddit_read_only.redditor(post.author)).comment_karma
# Unique ID of each post
# The score of a post
# Total number of comments inside the post
posts_dict["Total Comments"].append(post.num_comments)
# Comments: instance of a commentforest
# Date the post was Created
posts_dict["Created On"].append(post.created_utc)
# URL of each post
posts_dict["Post URL"].append(post.url)
# Flair of each post
posts_dict["Original Content"].append(post.is_original_content)
# Edited Check for each post
# Saved check for each post
# Saving the data in a pandas dataframe
all_posts = pd.DataFrame(posts_dict)
all_posts['Created On'] = pd.to_datetime(all_posts['Created On'], unit='s')
I've since updated my code to look for posts where there is an Author instead of posts that may have None set as the other and changed the line to add comment karma to this:
# Author of the post's Comment Karma
posts_dict["Author Comment Karma"].append(post.author.comment_karma)
However, now I'm getting an Attribute Error:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[15], line 34
31 posts_dict["Author"].append(post.author.name)
33 # Author of the post's Comment Karma
---> 34 posts_dict["Author Comment Karma"].append(post.author.comment_karma)
36 # Unique ID of each post
37 posts_dict["ID"].append(post.id)
File /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/praw/models/reddit/base.py:35, in RedditBase.__getattr__(self, attribute)
33 if not attribute.startswith("_") and not self._fetched:
34 self._fetch()
---> 35 return getattr(self, attribute)
36 raise AttributeError(
37 f"{self.__class__.__name__!r} object has no attribute {attribute!r}"
38 )
File /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/praw/models/reddit/base.py:36, in RedditBase.__getattr__(self, attribute)
34 self._fetch()
35 return getattr(self, attribute)
---> 36 raise AttributeError(
37 f"{self.__class__.__name__!r} object has no attribute {attribute!r}"
38 )
AttributeError: 'Redditor' object has no attribute 'comment_karma'
You can use post.author.comment_karma
to get an user's comment karma