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I can't pass JSON to an AWS lambda function in a POST request without the lambda function inserting a backslash before every double quote in the JSON

I have an AWS lambda function that I created through the sam cli tool. I started with a basic hello world template that I converted into a find anagrams function that accepts a JSON array of words and detects anagrams in the array. Right now, I'm just passing through the JSON input for debugging purposes. The template.yaml file looks like this:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: >

  Sample SAM Template for lambda-tester-two
# More info about Globals:
    Timeout: 3
    MemorySize: 128

      Type: AWS::Serverless::HttpApi
        StageName: nonprod
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource:
      CodeUri: find-anagrams/
      Handler: app.lambdaHandler
      Runtime: nodejs16.x
        - x86_64
          Type: HttpApi 
            Path: /anagram
            Method: post
              Ref: HttpApi
    Metadata: # Manage esbuild properties
      BuildMethod: esbuild
        Minify: true
        Target: "es2020"
        # Sourcemap: true # Enabling source maps will create the required NODE_OPTIONS environment variables on your lambda function during sam build
        - app.ts

The app.ts file looks like this:

import { APIGatewayProxyEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult } from 'aws-lambda';

 * Event doc:
 * @param {Object} event - API Gateway Lambda Proxy Input Format
 * Return doc:
 * @returns {Object} object - API Gateway Lambda Proxy Output Format

export const lambdaHandler = async (event: APIGatewayProxyEvent): Promise<APIGatewayProxyResult> => {
    let response: APIGatewayProxyResult;
    try {
        const words = event.body;
        let result = {}
        for (const word of words) {
            const sorted = word.split("").sort().join("");
            if (sorted in result) {
            } else {
                result[sorted] = [word];
        response = {
            statusCode: 200,
            body: JSON.stringify({
                message: words,
    } catch (err: unknown) {
        response = {
            statusCode: 500,
            body: JSON.stringify({
                message: err instanceof Error ? err.message : 'some error happened',

    return response;

I run the code with sam build then sam local start-api. I always have Docker Desktop running in the background. I expect this running code to accept a POST request at and print out the json sent in the body of the request. But the JSON that is returned looks weird... This is what my Insomnia window looks like:
enter image description here

Why is it adding all the \n \ characters before the " characters?

I tried making the input just a minified string with no spaces but it still returned weird...
enter image description here

Finally I added this code to replace const words = event.body; in order to strip out the \ characters:

const wordsWithSlashes = event.body;
const words = wordsWithSlashes.replace(/\\/g,"-");

And it ignored my regex and still returned weird JSON with \s before the " characters:
enter image description here

So how do I get my AWS lambda function to accept the correct JSON sent in the body of the request without adding \ characters?


  • The problem was actually in the response code with JSON.stringify(... First, let me post the entire fixed app.ts file:

    import { APIGatewayProxyEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult } from 'aws-lambda';
     * Event doc:
     * @param {Object} event - API Gateway Lambda Proxy Input Format
     * Return doc:
     * @returns {Object} object - API Gateway Lambda Proxy Output Format
    export const lambdaHandler = async (event: APIGatewayProxyEvent): Promise<APIGatewayProxyResult> => {
        let response: APIGatewayProxyResult;
        try {
            const words = JSON.parse(event.body).listedwords;
            let result = {}
            /* for (const word of words) {
                const sorted = word.split("").sort().join("");
                if (sorted in result) {
                } else {
                    result[sorted] = [word];
            } */
            response = {
                statusCode: 200,
                body: words
        } catch (err: unknown) {
            response = {
                statusCode: 500,
                body: JSON.stringify({
                    message: err instanceof Error ? err.message : 'some error happened',
        return response;

    The notable change is this:

    response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: words

    Notice I'm not putting JSON.stringify(words) in the response body, I'm just putting words in the response body. So this is what the function now returns:
    enter image description here

    It's also worth noting that you do have to actually parse the input JSON in the POST request body like I did with this line: const words = JSON.parse(event.body).listedwords;. The JSON is now formatted properly.