Search code examples

"errorMessage": "'NoneType' object is not iterable"

its an aws lambda function

       with  urllib.request.urlopen(api_url) as response:
           print(json.dumps(data, indent = 4 ))
   except Exception as e :
       print(f"error reading data : {e} ")
       return {"statuscode":"500","body":"Error fetching data"}

   games_messages = [game_format(game) for game in data]

the error that I get :

  "errorMessage": "'NoneType' object is not iterable",
  "errorType": "TypeError",
  "requestId": "11a9a46e-3abe-4f6e-8c38-278c0697238a",
  "stackTrace": [
    "  File \"/var/task/\", line 69, in lambda_handler\n    games_messages = [game_format(game) for game in data]\n",
    "  File \"/var/task/\", line 15, in game_format\n    quarter_scores = ', '.join([f\"Q{q['Number']}: {q.get('AwayScore', 'N/A')}-{q.get('HomeScore', 'N/A')}\" for q in quarters])\n"

the data that I fetched:

enter image description here


  • The issue is not originating from the code block you provided, rather it is originating from line 15:

    quarter_scores = ', '.join([f"Q{q['Number']}: {q.get('AwayScore', 'N/A')}-{q.get('HomeScore', 'N/A')}" for q in quarters])

    Error message states quarters is None.

    Indeed, in the data you fetched, quarters is null, (json.loads function turns null into None)

    enter image description here


    before iterating, make sure quarters is not None.