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How to receive AJAX data in CherryPy

Beginning to climb the ajax learning curve, I'm trying to make a simple ajax call back to my CherryPy application and echo the data sent back to the browser.

My ajax call is working and I can return, for instance, the request method back to the browser.

I cannot, however, find the data sent by browser in the request object inside my CherryPy handler. Here is my CherryPy handler, cribbed from this question:

class Contact:

def index(self):

    cl = cherrypy.request.headers['Content-Length']
    rawbody =
    body = None
    #body = simplejson.loads(rawbody)
    if body is None:
        return cherrypy.request.method + ' (no body found)'
        return cherrypy.request.method + ' ' + body = True

and here's my Javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
function SendContactEntry() {
$.ajax( {type:        "POST",
     url:         "/contact/",
     data:        { word: "HELLO" },
     processData: false,
     cache:       false,
     contentType: "application/json",
     dataType:    "text",
     success:     function (response){

Using this code my browser receives back a response of "POST (no body found)".

What I want to do is learn, in my CherryPy handler, that I was sent a word value of "HELLO".

If I uncomment the line body = simplejson.loads(rawbody) I receive an HTML Status of 500 back from CherryPy. The same happens if I try to decorate my index() function with


  • Since you have set processData to false and you are passing over an object you are sending over a stringified version of your data object - and there is nothing to see.


    1. Call JSON.stringify on your data object before sending it over (which should make your simplejson.loads call work).
    2. Remove your processData attribute and let jQuery send the request over as a normal URL-encoded request (and you can access your variables through request.params["word"]).