Does not remove items from cart. When I hit "delete" the items are still there. Only performs the total price calculation. Cart isn't repository , instead Fiction item is a repositry entity , saved in the database Thanks for your help This is my code :
public class Cart {
private List <Fiction> fictions = new ArrayList<Fiction> ();
private float totale = 0.0f;
public Cart() {
public void add(Fiction fiction) {
this.totale = totale + fiction.getPrezzo();
public void remove(Fiction fiction) {
Iterator<Fiction> iterator = fictions.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
Fiction item =;
if(item.equals(fiction)) {
} this.totale = totale - fiction.getPrezzo();
Does not remove items from cart.
When I hit "delete" the items are still there.
Only performs the total price calculation.
Thanks for your help
This is my code :
public class CartController {
Cart carrello;
private FictionRepo fictionRepo;
public String deleteToCart(@PathVariable("id") Long id ) {
Fiction fictions = fictionRepo.findById(id).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Fiction non trovata"));
System.out.println(" sto per cancellare");
System.out.println(" ho cancellato");
return "redirect:/indexCart";
Override the equals
to get your code working. Refer the following example:
// Overriding equals() to compare two Fiction objects
public boolean equals(Object o) {
// If the object is compared with itself then return true
if (o == this) {
return true;
/* Check if o is an instance of Fiction or not
"null instanceof [type]" also returns false */
if (!(o instanceof Fiction)) {
return false;
// typecast o to Fiction so that we can compare data members
Fiction c = (Fiction) o;
// Compare the data members and return accordingly