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Simplest way to iterate through a Multiset in the order of element frequency?

Consider this example which prints out some device type stats. ("DeviceType" is an enum with a dozenish values.)

Multiset<DeviceType> histogram = getDeviceStats();
for (DeviceType type : histogram.elementSet()) {
    System.out.println(type + ": " + histogram.count(type));

What's the simplest, most elegant way to print the distinct elements in the order of their frequency (most common type first)?

With a quick look at the Multiset interface, there's no ready-made method for this, and none of Guava's Multiset implementations (HashMultiset, TreeMultiset, etc) seem to automatically keep elements frequency-ordered either.


  • I just added this feature to Guava, see here for the Javadoc.

    Edit: usage example of Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst() as per the original question:

    Multiset<DeviceType> histogram = getDeviceStats();
    for (DeviceType type : Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(histogram).elementSet()) {
        System.out.println(type + ": " + histogram.count(type));