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How to mock Spring WebClient call and stub some data while writing integration tests in Spock Frameowork

I am writing integration tests in spock framework for spring web flux application and we are using WebClient to make external api call. How can I mock WebClient and stub data to WebClient calls?

I am using RequestSpecification class to make api calls in integration tests.


  • I was able to resolve this problem by using below code:

    WebClient webClient
    WebClient.RequestBodyUriSpec requestBodyUriSpec = 
    WebClient.ResponseSpec responseSpec = Mock(WebClient.ResponseSpec)

    inside test methods:

    webClient.get() >> requestBodyUriSpec >> requestBodyUriSpec
    requestBodyUriSpec.body(_, _) >> requestBodyUriSpec
    requestBodyUriSpec.uri(_) >> requestBodyUriSpec
    requestBodyUriSpec.headers(_) >> requestBodyUriSpec
    requestBodyUriSpec.retrieve() >> responseSpec
    responseSpec.onStatus(_, _) >> responseSpec
    responseSpec.bodyToMono(_) >>> {response objects to be mocked}